Be Silent – Trusting at Sodwana Bay

Be Silent…

Be Still and know that I AM GOD!

Psalm 46:10

We all locked in at the moment and with these challenging times not knowing how our future would be after the CORONAVIRUS – we are keeping on going regardless & trusting God to provide and protect. To keep some sense of sanity amongst all the chaos and fear of the COVID-19 virus, we decided that making videos and keep our focus on better things.

We located in Sodwana Bay ~ South Africa and we love this place so much that we packed up our lives and relocated to Sodwana. I think if we knew that the covid-19 lockdown would happen – we would most probably still be unhappy and stuck in a big town. Thank God that we did not…

We pray the you and your family will be safe and endure this struggle we are going through… be safe and stay Home!

Come visit us in Mbazwana
Your Home and Holiday office away from HOME.
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