Drinking and driving costs lives!

By Sodwana Bay

This is an Opinion piece (Persuasive/Argumentative) and not Expository article. Now I know this is a super sensitive topic that no one ever wants to hear or talk about , especially during the holiday season, but this is still a real thing We are not implying that all people who drink are Drunk Drivers.  We…

Hippos @ Sibaya Lake – Sodwana Bay ~ South Africa

By Sodwana Bay

The hippopotamus is recognizable by its barrel-shaped torso, wide-opening mouth revealing large canine tusks, nearly hairless body, columnar legs, and large size; adults average 1,500 kg (3,310 lb) and 1,300 kg (2,870 lb) for bulls and cows respectively. Despite its stocky shape and short legs, it is capable of running 30 km/h (19 mph) over short distances. Source: WikiPedia See if you can…

Nile Crocodile @ Lake Sibaya – Sodwana Bay

By Sodwana Bay

Characteristics and physiology: Adult Nile crocodiles have a dark bronze colouration above, with faded blackish spots and stripes variably appearing across the back and a dingy off-yellow on the belly, although mud can often obscure the crocodile’s actual colour. The flanks, which are yellowish-green in colour, have dark patches arranged in oblique stripes in highly…

We are taking back what was stolen – OUR LIVES!

By Sodwana Bay

Our Jericho – Breaking down the walls… I seriously thought that I would have handled this much better but to be honest, this head-on collision really ripped me to core.  Yes, we are supposed to be grateful that we walked out of the crash without any major injuries. The sad thing which saddens me the…

A Day at the Lake – Swimming with Hippos!

By Sodwana Bay

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qb_QqCS11sE[/embedyt] This was a really fun day at the Lake. Found Hippos and there was a croc stalking me in the water. Although it quickly changed its mind after I turned around! Looks like I might be swimming with the Hippos?!?!?!

911 – Hippos on the Run!

By Sodwana Bay

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4_uLjFlV9Y[/embedyt] This young crowd was caught littering in a world heritage site. Call the police if you catch these naughty Hippos! They need to answer for their crimes! Please watch our Video… Please like, subscribe (its free), share and hit the bell icon to get notified of each new video. Loads of fun, adventure,…