Snorkeling at Sodwana Bay ~ South Africa – GoPro Hero

By Sodwana Bay

Great news Guys – We have a brand new video for you guys – We’ve reached our 11th video and still going strong… Special thanks to everybody who has joined in our journey and continues to support us every step of the way! This is an epic video of a taste of all the exciting…

Thorns of the Sea – Sea Urchins @ Sodwana Bay

By Sodwana Bay

Sodwana Bay Sea Urchins Sea urchins (/ˈɜːrtʃɪnz/), are typically spiny, globular animals, echinoderms in the class Echinoidea. About 950 species live on the seabed, inhabiting all oceans and depth zones from the intertidal to 5,000 metres (16,000 ft; 2,700 fathoms).[1] Their tests (hard shells) are round and spiny, typically from 3 to 10 cm (1 to 4 in) across. Sea urchins move slowly, crawling with their tube feet,…

The Spotty Ghost – Blue-spotted Ribbontail Ray @ Sodwana Bay

By Sodwana Bay

Blue-spotted Ribbontail Ray The bluespotted ribbontail ray (Taeniura lymma) is a species of stingray in the family Dasyatidae. Found from the intertidal zone to a depth of 30 m (100 ft), this species is common throughout the tropical Indian and western Pacific Oceans in nearshore, coral reef-associated habitats. It is a fairly small ray, not exceeding 35 cm (14 in) in width, with a mostly smooth, oval pectoral fin disc, large protruding eyes, and a relatively short and thick…

Join our Patreon Group @ Sibaya – Sodwana Bay

By Sodwana Bay

 Have you heard about our exciting new Patreon Page. Become a Patron? So the story goes like this, we have been visiting Sodwana a couple times a year for the last 2 years. We fell in love with the ocean, the gorgeous live stock that can roam free and the secluded, isolated, rural, rusticness and…