If You Want to Succeed, Reach Out
You won’t succeed in life unless you are connected to the right people.. and those who enable you to succeed won’t always come to you; usually you must go to them.
Success won’t come knocking on your door; you’ve got to go and find it.
Jesus didn’t set up a throne in the middle of each town and say, ‘This is the only place you can meet with Me’. No, He went to the marketplace, to the boats of fishermen, to the synagogue, to the homes of people. He ‘…went through the towns, preaching the gospel, and healing everywhere’ (Luke 9:6).
What is keeping you from reaching out to others?
Fear of rejection? Until your dream becomes more important to you than your fear of rejection, you will never succeed.
Successful people dread rejection too; the difference is that they believe their goals are worth it.
There are 2 kinds of people in your life: those who already know you have something they need, and those who don’t know it yet.
So start a ‘people list’. You are already networked. Follow the dots and you’ll get to your destiny.
Success always begins somewhere, at some moment, with someone.
The secret is, you must reach out.
Soul food: Song of Sol 1-4; Matt 25:41-46; Ps 3; Pr. 21:4-8
Source: Author Unknown – We would love to give you credit!