God really doesn’t expect much from us… All he asks is that we believe and have faith!

There is no fooling God!!! He must sometimes laugh at our attempts to avoid change… listen to our excuses why we can’t do it now or why we don’t have to do this or that.

Like Peter the Lord Jesus told him to get out of the boat and walk with him on the water… Peter might have failed but at least he took the step… I think of myself as a rational person and fearless but I’m quickly humbled and pulled back to reality… Many times the Lord have asked me to step out of my boat (Comfort zone) and walk into my new life of freedom only to find myself blocking Gods amazing power to manifest in my broken soul. What a foolish man I am! God is my friend and only wants the BEST FOR ME!!!

Stepping out is not a test – it is claiming what God has dreamed for me… Everyone of our life’s are different but God loves us all the same! He has a plan and a GREAT purpose for our life’s…

Gos is patient and kind – at the end we are only harming ourselves – He’ll wait for us to get the picture

As we go about in our walk of Faith – we have to overcome our own fears and short comings. Lets be people of God which steps out and really mean it… really moving forward into to the dreams of Father God!

Take the step! Walk on the water…



Are you a Boat Hopper? was originally published on BIBLE Knowledge