Date published: 17-03-2016
Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you. — Philippians 3:17
Thoughts on Today’s Verse….
“I would rather see a sermon any day, than hear one.” I’m not distressed because people want to “see a sermon,” but because so many of us don’t “practice what we preach.” As leaders — whether as friends, parents, or in positions of authority — our primary tool of influence is our life of character (or lack of it). Do you practice what you “preach”? All of us who seek to influence others redemptively, MUST! Why? Because most folks need to both hear and see the message before it becomes a part of them.
My Prayer…
Lord God Almighty, please forgive me, equip me, and make me fit for your service. Please help me, dear Father, as I try to live a life worth imitating and to lead others to Jesus. I know I can’t do either of those without your power and grace transforming my life. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.