2 PETER 1: 3-4 AMP
3 His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 4 Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
“Do you feel powerful?”
Do you feel His power racing through your veins, or have you lost the passion? The struggle is real, and life can get really messy sometimes. It is not easy to keep faith deep in the trenches when everything is falling apart around you—it is real! We lack knowledge because our focus is not on the “things of above.”
Because we really do not know our savior or what was given to us, we tend to wonder and fall! We lose focus and get despondent because we are made to believe that God does not care or want to help us. Instead of powering up with the truth, which is found in Christ Jesus, we lend our ears to the enemy, which only wants to see us grovel in the mud. Surrendering to the lies of the enemy only makes us weak and pathetic.
I do understand that we all have our trials and temptations, but today, let us start tapping into the knowledge of who we are in Christ Jesus:
- How can you be free of worry? – Give it to God!
- Your husband is a drunk – Give him to God!
- Your finances are non-existent. – Sjoe, this is a very difficult one, but Give it to God!
- Someone’s action has created chaos in your life – Give it to God!
- Hatred is eating at your soul – Forgive and Give it God!
- You see a loved one wasting away – Give them to God!
Giving everything to God does not mean you are accepting your circumstance and lying down and just taking it. No, by giving it to God, you are tapping into Gods understanding and power; by giving it to God you are bringing GOD to your Fight! Basically, the power we possess in Christ Jesus is surrender of self. Once we do that, we make room for God to step in and take control of our lives. We are not exempt of trials but we do not have to go through struggles all alone.
No matter what you struggling with today, it was never yours to carry! Remember Christ took all shame and sin upon Himself. All evil was dealt with on the cross. Now, it is time to trust our Father in heaven to provide for all of our needs, be it finances, healing, or losing a loved one. Surrender is not easy and actually, not a natural thing to do, but as we know[knowledge] our Father is good, how can we not want to let go.
Let’s Pray:
Father, your power is in us. You have given it to me for free and I can confidently know that there is nothing I can do the pay for it. Thank you for your Son Jesus Christ, thank you for my new life in Christ.
Letting go is not easy for me and yes, I’m scared most of the time. But I am tired of worrying, I can take this stress anymore. All this anxiety in my heart is like a cancer, I don’t want it. Father, here go, take all my worries, everything, the good and the bad! It is all yours now…I SURRENDER ALL!
In Jesus’ name. Amen!
The post The power we possess in Christ. first appeared on Koa Sinag Ministry.