Christ is coming. Are you ready, lost child of GOD?

If you’ve known Christ in the past but have strayed and wondered in the wilderness, it is time to come home. The master is soon returning, and we do not want you to be caught with NO oil in your lamp.

Like the days of Noah,when people were belittling and questioning the sanity of the boat builder, we are in similar times. We, as the bride, must get ready! We must adorn ourselves with wedding robes and throw off the filthy rags of this world. He is coming back for us!

We are present and living here, but we are not part of this world. This world—Earth—is satan’s domain. He rules here and does not care who he takes with him to hell. Hell is real and was only intended for “the fallen”—those angels who stood against God—but if you choose to be like satan, guess what? You are going to join him and his mates.

There are no excuses anymore; you have an example, Jesus Christ. You bowed your knee before but lost your way. Stop running; it is time to come home. Bow your knees and surrender!

The post The call of Noah first appeared on Koa Sinag.