iSibaya Lion for Sale! Carving/painting

By Sodwana Bay

Wow the iSibaya Lion was spotted at the Ma Shop opposite home affairs – Mbazwana! 1 of a kind gorgeous Carving/Painting now up for grabs and on sale! You can buy this product 1 of 2 ways – Go check it out at  Ma se Shop or pay online and just pick it up –…

You’re Built for Opposition @ Sodwana Bay

By Sodwana Bay

You’re Built for Opposition The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne—Revelation 3:21 Ever been in the middle of something tough, prayed for rescue, and heard . . . nothing? Ever questioned God, in frustration, “Why won’t you answer?” Could it be that God doesn’t always answer because,…

The Teenage monster attack! -Rock Monitor Lizard @ Sibaya – Sodwana Bay

By Sodwana Bay

Rock Monitor Lizard The rock monitor (Varanus albigularis), also called commonly the white-throated monitor, is a species of monitor lizard in the family Varanidae. The species is endemic to Central, East, and southern Africa. It is the second-longest lizard found on the continent, and the heaviest-bodied; locally, it is called leguaan or likkewaan. Wiki >Source Check out this gorgeous creatures video above and how it was able to escape a pack unscathed:…

Sodwana Bay – The Road Home @ Sibaya – Sodwana Bay

By Sodwana Bay

 Sodwana Bay Information Road Trip! Going back Home!!! Check out our road trip pics from Pretoria back home to where we belong in iSibaya! Going back to pretoria was really hard for us, we were sad to leave iSibaya even if it was just for 10 days. But the road trip back home was super…