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Author: The Scuba News Press Team

Susan Eaton Polar Plunge

The 3rd annual The Royal Canadian Geographical Society (RCGS) Polar Plunge is back! Funds that we raise during the #RCGSPolarPlunge will help the Society support the rich storytelling and engaging interviews that take place under the banner of the Canadian Geographic Explore podcast.

The 2024 #RCGSPolarPlunge will take place on Monday, March 4, which is also my birthday. Woohoo!

Please join me in reaching (and surpassing) my personal fundraising goal of $750 (see link below).

I’m organizing a team of intrepid polar plungers in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. We’ll drive the ice road on Great Slave Lake and jump into to a plunge pool located near the Arctic Duchess, a retired Canadian Coast Guard vessel.

I’ll keep you informed, via regular blogs, photos, and videos, or our Yellowknife team’s preparations (mental and physical) for the 2024 RCGS Polar Plunge.

If you live in Yellowknife and would like to join my polar plungers’ team, please reach out to me.

The RCGS’s goal is to raise $35,000! And there are 26 teams of polar plungers who take the #RCGSpolarplunge in rivers, lakes, and oceans across the country.

With your help we can continue to expand Canadians’ knowledge of our country’s diverse human and physical landscapes, better preparing them for an uncharted future.

Thank you, in advance, for your support of the #RCGSPolarPlunge! Donations of $20 (or more) to the RCGS are tax charitable.

I’d like to thank Jake Olson of Arctic Duchess Adventures for graciously hosting the third annual RCGS Polar Plunge.

A part of Canada’s arctic history, the Arctic Duchess was built in 1961 as a buoy and lighthouse vessel. Previously known as the CCGS Eckaloo, she plied the NWT’s shipping lanes, laying buoys from Yellowknife to Hay River and up the mighty Mackenzie River to Inuvik.

Thank you, to Arctic Duchess Adventures, for this spectacular photo of the aurora borealis dancing above the Arctic Duchess.

About Susan Eaton

Susan R. Eaton, a geoscientist, journalist, and polar explorer, investigates the interactions of plate tectonics, oceans, glaciers, climate, and polar life. Susan, named one of Canada’s top 100 modern-day explorers by the Royal Canadian Geographical Society, investigates the world’s oceans—from Antarctica to the Arctic—in the snorkel zone, a unique land-sea-ice-air interface where charismatic animals and snorkelers interact. Susan founded the Sedna Epic Expedition in 2014, which includes both Indigenous and non-Indigenous women ocean explorers, scientists, artists, educators, and scuba divers. More than 1,000 Inuit youths, girls, and elders in the Arctic have seen the ocean firsthand thanks to Sedna’s sea women.

Article submitted from Susan Eaton
