Luke 19:40 amp

Jesus replied, “I tell you, if these [people] keep silent, the stones will cry out [in praise]!”

Rise, O silent one…                  

Imagine you and Jesus having a conversation and him saying these words: “Your-name, if you keep silent, the stones will cry out!” What will your response be to him? Think about this before you continue reading.

Let me be clear about this: singing in church and worshipping God in our “safe-places” where the world can’t hear or see us, it’s great and has its place, but having courage around other Christians who are already saved is not proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Lord of our Salvation!

What this scripture is saying is that if we who know Christ won’t step up and shout the good news from the mountaintops, the rocks will! Then all that we do and say is trivial and empty words if we can’t preach the Good News!

Wow, what a great responsibility we have. Think about it: how can we keep silent when God has done so much for us? What happened to our voices, and why are we so silent?


Father, if in any way I have sinned against you by not professing your greatness to the world, please forgive me!

I want to tell the world about You, your Son and the Holy Spirit. Give me a voice, and crowds—I will proclaim.

In Jesus’ name. Amen!

The post Stones will cry. first appeared on Koa Sinag Ministry.