Micah 6:8 AMP

“He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you Except to be just, and to love [and to diligently practice] kindness (compassion), And to walk humbly with your God [setting aside any overblown sense of importance or self-righteousness]? [Deut 10:12, 13]”

“His burden is light!”

Q: What in your life is keeping you from God?

A: How eager are some and others not-to get salvation. Why are there normal, down-to-earth people who are living such rich spiritual lives with God and others who just stubbornly set themselves up against the guidelines of God?

It is quite simple, like Jesus said, “My burden is light” [Matt 11”28-30 amp]:

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavily burdened [by religious rituals that provide no peace], and I will give you rest [refreshing your souls with salvation]. 29Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me [following Me as My disciple], for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest (renewal, blessed quiet) for your souls. [Jer 6:16] 30For My yoke is easy [to bear] and My burden is light.”

Jesus is facilitating entrance into the kingdom of God and has set things right as it should have been. That great moment when you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior is just the pinnacle point of your redemption. Salvation is not an instant fix; God understands this and gives you a lot of grace. He gives you space to let go and surrender.

From the get-go, all Father God wanted was a relationship with his beloved creation—to walk, talk, and yes, even joke and laugh. I love spending time with my daughter; every moment with her is special, and I do savour all the amazing milestones and how slowly her true character is showing itself. Do you think our Father in heaven is any different? Do you really think it is unfair to ask for full surrender and a relationship?

Now it is our duty as followers to also act upon this truth. By acknowledging and accepting the words of Jesus, we make the sacrifice on the cross real and take possession of our salvation by laying down our “self and exchanging our old life for a relationship with GOD. We activate “the garden of Eden” in our own lives when we surrender. Our reward will be that when God calls our name, we can run passionately too Him!

Ask yourself this today:

What sins and transgressions are active in you that are hindering you from confidently approaching the throne of God? Sometimes we, as Christians, get a bit confused and do not remember our NEW life; we tend to hold on foolishly to things of the world.

Do you think that God will allow arrogance and excuses in His presence?

Let’s Pray:

Father, search my heart and drown out anything that is currently holding me back from letting go and quiet surrender. Fill me to the brim with your gentle spirit, and cleanse my mind from any filth that is taking up space. I surrender!

In Jesus’ name. Amen!

The post Quiet surrender. first appeared on Koa Sinag Ministry.