Today, 16 June marks 3 MONTHS, (92 days!!) since John Matambu was taken from all of us on Sat 16 March. Our hearts just ache ❤‍🩹.

NPA #DPP #SAPS #Hawks #Interpol #MozambiqueNPA

💔Sat 9 March: Convicted criminal Ferdi Visser (paroled halfway through a 3 year prison sentence) seen approaching Sodwana Bay on the beach, from Cozy Bay side (2 witnesses).
💔Visser spent a week in Sodwana Bay Sat 9 March – Sat 16th trying to book a fishing charter. (Several witnesses).
💔Visser tried to sell old clothing to staff at a bottle store (3 witnesses).
💔Fri 15 March: Visser booked the fishing charter telephonically for himself, his wife (non existent), & child (non existent).
💔Fri 15 March: He booked the charter using the FALSE NAME Andre Cilliers.
💔Fri 15 March: Visser’s story was that he had a brain tumour, & only had 2 weeks to live. Stated that he wanted to go out to sea one last time for a few hours.
💔Sat 16 March: 6am. Only Visser arrived for the charter. No wife. No child. (Several witnesses).
💔Sat 16 March: John Matambu met Visser for the first time ever, on the boat, shortly before departure.
💔Sat 16 March: Visser was carrying a backpack & a motorbike helmet. To go on a morning fishing charter!!
💔Sat 16 March: Visser refused to allow the boat assistant who helped him to board the boat, to hold his helmet. Said it was very valuable. (1 witness).
💔Sat 16 March: Our John Matambu & Visser left Sodwana Bay together on the boat called Magnum Too.
💔Sat 16 March: 10:50am John phoned to say that he was at Island Rock, that they had caught 2 fish, and were turning back to drive home to Sodwana Bay.
💔John said that after beaching the fishing boat, he would meet Janine at 2:30pm at Maak n Jol for a drink.
💔John did not sound strange or different. He was happy, & coming home. He did not suspect what was about to happen, while he reeled the fishing rods in!!
💔Sat 16 March: 11:25am. Our John’s phone lost all contact with all cell phone towers approximately 35 minutes after his last ever phone call (John’s phone must have been put in his pocket after the phone call, & when he went into the water)
💔Sat 16 March: 11:30am – 2pm. Several phone calls made to John to confirm his location went unanswered. Concern mounting.
💔Visser was described by locals as “the dodgy character in town”
💔Sat 16 March: John never arrived home. He was always punctual. You could literally set your watch according to John’s boat approaching Sodwana bay.
💔Sat 16 March: 2pm. Concern sets in as John didn’t return. Search vehicles drove up the beach towards Mozambique to look for the boat on the water.
💔Sat 16 March: 2pm NSRI Search boats deployed.
💔Sat 16 March: Aeroplanes deployed to search for John.
💔John never arrived home. The family were notified that a search was underway.
💔Sat 16 March: Witnesses saw the boat being driven recklessly near Mozambique. Clearly John was not driving the boat anymore by then.
💔Sat 16 March: The convicted criminal traded 2 of the fishing rods from the boat, for a nights accommodation in a hut in Mozambique, (not far from where the boat was torched), & some food.
💔Sat 16 March: Missing person case opened.
💔Sun 17 March: Massive search by countless fishermen, who all took their boats out to search for John.
💔Sun 17 March: The torched abandoned boat (& an empty petrol canister next to it) was found on a remote beach in Mozambique. And then, deep down, we knew!! Everyone feared the worst, but never spoke the words.
💔John has never been seen again.
💔Mon 18 March: Vissers identity & a photo is released on social media. Thousands of people shared it.
💔A massive social media manhunt followed. Many false sightings. Many false leads.
💔Tues 19 March: Our family scammed out of a large sum of money by a person offering to share “information” with the family.
💔 Thurs 21 March: Ferdi Visser spotted in Mozambique, several hours travel away from the boat, & correctly identified by a Good Samaritan called Victor. Visser taken into custody in Mozambique, still wearing his backpack & still carrying his helmet.
💔Thurs 21 – Tues 26 March Visser held by Mozambique authorities!
💔Tues 26 March: Visser brought back to SA. Held in Manguzi.
💔Tues 2 April: Visser charged with fraud at Ingwavuma Court.
💔Thurs 18 April: Case postponed.
💔Tues 23 April: Case postponed
💔Mon 20 May: Murder charge laid at Mbazwana police station by the family.
💔Tues 21 May: Visser beat his head against the police van en route from Empangeni to the court in Manguzi. Police van turned back to take him to hospital.
💔Tues 21 May: NPA issued a statement saying that “the Fraud case against Visser be withdrawn, as he was not brought before Court in compliance with the Extradition Act, Act 67 of 1962. Further, investigation is also outstanding in respect of the Fraud” (Basically, the authorities did not follow procedure when bringing him back to SA).
💔Tues 21 May to date: The accused Ferdi Visser is currently remanded in custody in Qalakabusha Prison due to a parole violation.
💔Visser has to serve his original sentence, until Aug 2025.
💔Several other charges laid against Visser by other victims are pending.
💔John has never been seen since he took that convicted criminal out to sea!!
💔Our John’s body has not washed up. How do we go on? How are we to cope? It’s simply unbearable.

(Thank you to Johann Bezuidenhout for the magnificent Matambu Forever sticker) 🙏🏼

#JusticeForJohn #JohnMatambu #johndercksen #justice4matambu #thelegendofsodwana #tightlinesmatambu