Whoohoo – We finally got our CNC Machine up and running.

It only took us a month to build up enough courage and energy to set it up…

But now it is up and we are going full steam ahead!!!

Don’t get me wrong we haven’t been sitting on our butts the whole time doing nothing, everyday we let the dogs take us on long walks through our proverbial “Backyard”(Basically the wide open spaces of Sibaya).

But then we started to think a little different about our chores in the afternoons. Instead of just going on walks we could also start picking up sticks and pieces of wood to contribute to our CNC Projects!

We have always dreamed of using local woods of Sodwana if we ever came to live here… and now we can. So our first project is to make small round discs (Medallions) – either as coasters or just something to hang up on your wall. So far we just doing practice rounds figuring out how best to “Beachify” our trinkets. We have found this amazing beautiful wood. Its hard, durable and best of all- NO SPLINTERS!

Our Very first souvenir in Sibaya!