YouTube Video: Monty Halls, Curse of the Blue Hole @ Sodwana Bay

By Sodwana Bay

Check out this interesting International Scuba Diving Documentary! This is a documentary about the supposed “Curse of the Blue Hole”! A superstition dating back centuries about a princess committing suicide to escape an arranged marriage, that now lures divers to their death! In this video the crew dives down the Blue Hole to investigate what…

Five Bad Scuba Diving Habits @ Sibaya – Sodwana Bay

By Sodwana Bay

We’ve all been guilty of cutting corners when it comes to diving, especially the more experienced we become. We abbreviate or skip buddy checks; we assume the air in our tanks is sound without checking. Some of these bad scuba diving habits are just sloppy, but some can lead to true danger. Here are five…

Windows 10 Is Stealing Your Bandwidth ‘By Default’

By Sodwana Bay

Windows 10 is Stealing your Internet Bandwidth! How to Disable Windows Update Delivery Optimization (WUDO)? After installing Windows 10, Feeling like your Internet Bandwidth is dropping away? Windows 10 is stealing your network bandwidth. Along with the privacy features related to Wi-Fi Sense, Windows 10 users should check for another hidden by default feature that…