MATTHEW 18: 15

15 “If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private; if he listens and pays attention to you, you have won back your brother..

“Christ saved and forgave us”

ROMANS 8:1-2 states that there are NO MORE condemnation; we all fall short of God’s glory. We have sinned, and we will all keep on sinning! It is only through the massive gift we all received through our salvation from sin and death that this inheritance gives us confidence to try and live righteous lives that will honour God fully.

Let us not get full of pride and think that we are better or higher than others. Just because we have turned our lives—ownership—over to Christ Jesus does not mean we have found the elixir to being perfect. Christ found us, Christ saved and forgave us—sin is sin, and we all need redemption. Trust me, those who do think they are not sinners anymore are bound to trip and fall.

Remember, we are all under Christ’s management. That is why verse 15 says, don’t go make a spectacle or embarrass those whose sin has come to light. Approach with only love in your heart. Treat them with dignity and respect, and correct them in private. Help and minister that individual, because you do not know when it’s your turn to be corrected.

Let’s Pray:

Father, I thank you for sending your Son who paid my debt in full. Help me see with your eyes and heart. Teach me how to help others when they stumble and fall. Give me a servant’s heart.

In Jesus’ name. Amen!

The post “Are you under new management?” first appeared on Koa Sinag Ministry.