Post by PowerToFly
We’re going to cheat a little bit and start with the biggest, baddest leadership lesson: With big power comes big responsibility.
(Spiderman & Uncle Ben approved!)
The 2024 reality is that employee dissatisfaction is at a peak. In a recent survey we conducted, PowerToFly found that 88% of the workforce is actively looking for a new job. There are many reasons for this — better pay, more flexibility, more growth, more inclusion top among them — but, at a second glance, there’s another culprit: confidence. Workers are seeing (or have been directly affected by) rapid change, massive layoffs and huge corporate swings that lead to a distinct feeling of unease.
How to boost your leadership skills
Leaders play an important role in this professional equation. And hey, we understand this is not an easy equation to begin with; it’s tricky and ever-evolving with way too many variables.
So what can you do right now to help reduce some of those variables? How can you boost confidence among your current employees, even if you’re not directly in control of your business? Leadership has always looked different for different times and places, and like other skills, leadership also requires practice, adaptability, and, above all, a willingness to learn.
Let’s get started with five core areas where employees feel their leaders could level up in 2024.
1. Flexibility
A staggering 91% of the employees we surveyed reported that lack of flexibility is the biggest reason they want a new job. Flexibility can, ironically, take many forms, including accommodating more hybrid or remote work setups, or like relaxing start and end times, giving your people the autonomy they desire in their roles. 45% of the respondents are looking for a fully flexible 40-hour work week. One of the biggest lessons in leadership is recognizing that people work their best when they are trusted to do so. Monitoring is crucial; micromanagement is not.
To ensure this transition to more flexible workplaces happens seamlessly, business leaders should advocate for their work force and invest in remote communication tools and methods. Training can help shorten the learning curve!
2. Upskilling
One of the worst-kept secrets in the workplace right now is how AI, among other recent disruptors, has left the workforce feeling insecure about their future employment and skill set. Is theirs the next job that will become obsolete within the next three years? Five years? How do you keep up?
Exceptional employees are probably already taking their own initiative to learn and develop their skills, but exceptional leaders would capitalize on that momentum and double down on that effort by offering more learning and development opportunities, plus take the time to get some of their other employees on a development train too. 91% of the workforce is interested in upskilling, so we know the willingness to learn is there!
The question then becomes: are leaders also willing to pick and practice these lessons in leadership? Creating opportunities for growth within the organization will also promote employee satisfaction and tackle attrition rates. It is important to mention here that when we say skills, we don’t just mean hard skills!
Here are 10 Soft Skills Every Manager Should Have in 2024.
3. Bridging the gaps
The workforce is going remote, and that’s how most of us like it! However, this means that communication has to evolve too, and great team communication helps teams work better and smoother. People need support, and not just in a straightforward work capacity. These are times of great uncertainty — major geopolitical changes, economic fluctuations, and did we mention it’s an American election year?
In tough times, leaders can provide their people the opportunity to discuss issues, both personal and important to them, in a safe and non-judgmental space, or simply a space to decompress a little in the middle of the day. These kinds of gatherings not only help you understand your people better, but also provide them the comfort and assurance they may need during such turbulent times. “Lunch & Learn” events are a simple way to start. Just finding one hour a week to chat up with your team could help build a bond. There are loads of ways to engage your remote or hybrid team and help them build some more trust in their current roles.
4. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging: DEIB
Hopefully by now you know that diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging aren’t just keywords. In fact, for PowerToFly, they’re our driving force! DEIB considerations need to show up in our hiring decisions as well as crucial decision-making roles. 97% of our surveyed workforce said they see HR making DEIB efforts; but only 37% of them have actually identified real progress in DEIB aspects within their organization’s actual work culture.
To create teams with representation and diversity and reduce that disparity, businesses need to redefine their DEIB metrics, goals, and strategies. Here are 16 thought-provoking questions about D&I to get you started!. Be warned, this exercise may prompt you to revamp some major policies, but we promise your people will thank you for it!
Need help creating dynamic and diverse teams? PowerToFly is here to help you with all your talent management needs. Let’s talk!
5. Better Candidate Experience
We’ve saved the best for last, and that’s the ability to tap into your empathy for your teams and everyone you work with – even to candidates who aren’t yet part of the company. Recruitment and onboarding protocols are prime spots for discomfort and a lack of confidence for most candidates. For example, we know that a whopping 59% of applicants have been ghosted, and 25% were asked to do unpaid work samples.
Empathetic leaders won’t let their candidates slip into a black hole of applications and automated rejection mails (or worse, no response at all). If you’re looking to attract top talent, that’s just not good enough anymore and it’s not how responsible businesses go about hiring.
Smarter business leaders today are using automation and AI to make this process easier and smoother for applicants. After all, adaptability is a leadership lesson too!
Leadership lessons for a better workforce
These are the five core areas where the workforce demands a shift in 2024. Of course, leadership lessons are plenty; this is a good place to start! We also compiled a list of 17 professional development books for leaders of today who want to up the game for tomorrow.
We are taking it to the next level this month and bringing to you some great summits to finish out the year. Come join discussions on work management, DEIB, lessons on leadership, and the future with experts, industry pioneers, and thought leaders. Sign up now!
The post 5 Leadership Lessons Everyone Should Know in 2024 first appeared on JobsFIND – Jobs Portal – Find work Today!.